Brighton Yoga

Brighton Yoga

Ideal For... Everyone

Join the experts for a friendly day of wellness and nature in the beautiful countryside surrounding Brighton. The day will start with a walk through the countryside and includes yoga and Q-Gong either in the woodlands or on a panoramic hill.  

The term shinrin-yoku means “taking in the forest atmosphere”. It’s the practice of immersing oneself in the natural environment of a forest, engaging all five senses to fully experience the sights, sounds, smells, textures and even tastes of the woodland. It’s about slowing down, being present, and connecting with nature on a deeper level. 

The practice of Forest Bathing will differ from season to season and in different weather. If it’s warm and dry, you can lie down on a tree and watch the gentle movements of the canopy. On colder days, we spend more time walking around, looking at different trees and exploring the woodlands with all senses. 

Our natural wellness days are a mix of nature, wellness and fun and include activities like looking for fractals, exploring the different trees and plants, or creating some natural art. It’s a chance to unwind, relax and reconnect with nature while also engaging in enjoyable and enriching activities that foster a deeper appreciation for the natural world. 

Throughout the day, our focus is on promoting wellbeing and fostering a sense of connection with the environment. Whether you’re seeking relaxation, inspiration or simply a break from the hustle and bustle of daily life, our natural wellness day offers a unique opportunity to immerse yourself in the beauty of nature and recharge both body and mind. 

Walking Involved


Opening Hours

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The perfect spot for peaceful walks accompanied by gorgeous views, head to Arlington Reservoir next time you need to get away from it all
Riley’s Miniature Railway
A charming miniature railway that evokes all the fun and nostalgia of the golden age of train travel.
The Hannah Peschar Sculpture Garden
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